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Help us deliver urgently needed COVID Vaccinations

by Australian Committee For UNICEF Limited

Join UNICEF to power the largest and fastest vaccine operation for humanity, and deliver urgently needed COVID vaccinations across the globe.

COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest public health challenge that we have seen in our lifetime. No one is safe until everyone is safe. The global COVAX Facility has been set up to ensure equitable and safe access to a COVID vaccine worldwide. It is set to be the largest and fastest vaccine operation in human history.

186 countries have joined the COVAX facility , including both high income countries and low- and middle-income countries. The goal for 2021 is to procure and distribute 2 billion doses of vaccine globally and fairly.

COVAX is a partnership between Gavi (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), WHO, CEPI (The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) and UNICEF. WHO and Gavi are leading the charge to find, approve, and plan the roll out of successful vaccines.

UNICEF is leading the procurement and supply of COVID-19 vaccines globally. UNICEF is best placed to take on this challenge because:

- Every second child in the world is vaccinated by UNICEF
- UNICEF is the largest procurer and distributor of vaccines worldwide
- UNICEF delivers vaccines to the most vulnerable, by riding donkeys or flying drones
- UNICEF has globe-spanning supply chain and on-the-ground presence across 190 countries

UNICEF’s vaccination tender, country readiness and supply preposition work are well underway. Your support will help UNICEF with:

- Country preparedness: ensuring countries are ready to distribute the vaccine safely

- Logistics: establishing cold chain equipment and safe cold chain routes and logistics

- Human resources: health worker training

- Supplies: pre-positioning syringes and specialised supplies

- Advocacy: education and communication campaigns to advocate for vaccines and provide trusted and accurate information

Be a leader in making history. Join UNICEF to power the largest and fastest vaccine operation for humanity.

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