Ukraine’s 7.5 million children are caught in the middle of this war, and face
grave risk of direct harm, displacement, family separation, trauma, loss of
family income, and prolonged interruption of their education.
The current situation is forcing children and families in major cities into basements and bomb shelters to escape explosions. Parents are reporting trying to calm terrified children. Thousands of others are fleeing the capital, mostly by car.
Without urgent de-escalation, the crisis will spiral out of control – with devastating impacts for children and families.
We’ve launched a global campaign to raise US $19M to reach 3.5 million children and their families in Ukraine through addressing needs across Health and Nutrition; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; and Shelter. We will also focus on:
• Cash and Voucher Assistance
• Child Protection
• Mental Health Support
• Education
The children of Ukraine need your support now at this terrifying time. Please support them in their moment of great need.